Tag: municipal court
Straight into #BeastMode
QUICK FIVE: 5 of the most captivating moments in Matt Reardon’s new explosive Riding With The Outlaw release “The Patriot Games Continue”
All in all, win or lose, there is one for sure message that can be taken from all of this. You never can predict if someone you wrongfully took part in criminally framing and hanging will return with a camera and microphone, making a documentary/movie or write a slew of books about you that you can never get rid of. These people destroyed my life and at the same time they gave me my life story which it in itself is one in a billion
BONUS (in case you haven’t listened to this) The war on Mainstream Media begins
Olive Branch Municipal Court Saga
I decided to make an ongoing strand on this particular set of events. Check back as more and more will be updated and added
November 17th I was advised I would need to drive to Olive Branch Municipal Court to request court records and I was advised the Judge wanted to speak with me in regards to his final decision in the Crowder-Kester case. Little did I know at the time it would all turn out to be a predisposed plan to arrest me for fulfilling my constitutional duty. I wonder how big of a hand Lafayette County played in this?