Batesville, MS Mayor Hal Ferrell reveals City Ordinance barring Video Recording in the lobbies of City Buildings after a big push by a Constitutional Rights Activist and his supporters
Change came to Batesville, MS on Wednesday 10/19/22, thanks to a push by a 1st amendment auditor/constitutional rights activist and all of his supporters!
This was the Board of Aldermen meeting July 19, 2022 where the Ordinance to ban video recording in City buildings was tabled and passed. Reardon reviews the matter at hand
It was more than just a constitutional challenge and open refusal to comply with controversial ordinance passed by the Board of Alderman on July 19, 2022. The Ordinance in reference barred the use of photography or video recording inside of any City Building. However, on October 13, 2022 all of that would come under direct challenge by a Journalist/1st Amendment Auditor/ Constitutional Rights Activist.
Matt Reardon walks into Batesville, MS City Hall to video record the inside of City Hall on October 13, 2022. This sparked a major reaction to come
The very next day, October 14, 2022 Reardon put in a call to the Batesville Mayor, Hal Ferrell. Later that day, he got a return call from the Mayor. In that call, matters deteriorate as both Reardon the Mayor take two completely opposite stances on the matter at hand. Reardon states that he is fully intent on constitutionally challenging the Ordinance and will return to request public records, recording video as he is doing it. Mayor Ferrell then welcomes the challenge, stating he will even personally address the matter when Reardon comes in video recording. Then both state their willingness to fight the matter in court.
Here is the call on 10/14/2022 between Reardon and Mayor Hal Ferrell
On 10/17/2022, Reardon calls Mayor Ferrell back to let him know he was coming to constitutionally challenge the city Ordinance and request Public Records on Wednesday 10/19/2022 to ensure the Mayor was going to be there.
The confirmation call on 10/17/2022 from Reardon to Mayor Hal Ferrell
On Wednesday, 10/19/2022 just after 2pm, Matt Reardon delivers on his promises and arrives at City Hall walking in with not just one camera recording video, but three separate cameras. Mayor Hal Ferrell comes out of his office and immediately greets Reardon, shaking his hand, and stating that he and the board of Aldermen convened the night before. During this meeting they discussed all the grievances stated and took into account all the calls and emails received on the matter from a plethora of concerned citizens. Ferrell says they held a special vote and voted to repeal the Ordinance.
Since that time, Reardon says that he and the Batesville Mayor have spoken several times and that a mutual respect and friendship have been established. Mayor Ferrell has shown an insistence on transparency being given to the Citizens of Batesville and any interested citizen into the function of matters in Batesville, MS.
This story couldn’t have come with a better, more perfect ending! Hats are off to the Batesville Mayor and all concerned citizens whom helped bring about a positive change!
Here is the Board of Aldermen Meeting we all have been waiting to see! It is set to automatically play from the point it is introduced by the City Attorney, Colomon Mitchell
Here is the Board of Aldermen Meeting we all have been waiting to see! It is set to automatically play from the point it is introduced by the City Attorney, Colomon Mitchell, and I have to seriously question the leadership in this city for the City Attorney to actually entertain and introduce such a controversial, constitutionally unsound ordinance that could easily throw the City into turmoil in defending its decisions. The issue is tabled for discussion at 37min:40sec into the meeting and the unanimous vote happens 43min:50sec into the meeting. Leave your comments after watching.
Here is my Audit of City Hall 10/13/2022
Followed by a call from the Mayor the very next day
I received word from one of my YouTube Subscribers informing me that he had sent a detailed email to the Batesville, MS Mayor Hal Ferrell as well as the VFW Posts in the Panola County area condemning one of the city’s newest ordinances that has been hailed as unconstitutional.
I received word from one of my YouTube Subscribers informing me that he had sent a detailed email to the Batesville, MS Mayor Hal Ferrell as well as the VFW Posts in the Panola County area condemning one of the city’s newest ordinances that has been hailed as unconstitutional.
All I can say after reading it, is WOW! Job well done, David. Job incredibly done! David is a proud and patriotic US Army Veteran, and I thank him for his time and dedication to ensuring our safety and our freedom. Here is what David had to say:
Hello, Mr Mayor, Board of Aldermen Members, and Treasured Members Of Sardis Memorial VFW Post 12121 and VFW Post 4968
I hope everyone is having a good day today! I really appreciate all of the long hours of hard work and dedication it takes to run a City Government, as a former Government official myself! Because I am interested in local government, I frequent the internet to learn what different local government bodies do similarly and differently. Upon my research into the City of Batesville ,I discovered something rather perplexing and quite disturbing!
Where do I begin? A City of Batesville Ordinance passed by the Board in July of 2022 making it “unlawful” and a “misdemeanor” to record in the publicly accessible areas of the local city government, is in direct opposition to the Constitutional Rights of all Citizens of the United States Of America, Mississippi, Panola County and City of Batesville! As a U.S Army Veteran, I am sickened by this, knowing first hand the level of Selfless Sacrifice made by hundreds of thousands men and women, so we can enjoy the Freedoms we have in Our Country! In North Korea, All foreign tourists are assigned two North Korean minders who decide where tourists eat and what they see and do. In this video, we see Public Servants acting as if The City Of Batesville were a town in North Korea! Moreover,The City Of Batesville now has an Ordnance similar to what one may see in the DPRK! This Ordnance is an attempt to shield the Government from the scrutiny of its citizens! It is not based in any Constitutional Law or case law.
Taking photographs and the Recording of things that are plainly visible from public spaces is a constitutional right and that includes inside federal buildings, transportation facilities, and recording police and other government officials carrying out their duties. If the behavior of a Citizen Journalist interferes with the operation of government or the ability of other members of the public to use a public facility, a Citizen Journalist may be removed from public property they would otherwise be entitled to be in.
Note that such a disruption would have to consist of more than the mere act of recording. In order to be lawfully removed the Journalist’s actions must make it impossible for city business to continue in an orderly fashion. Profane or abusive language doesn’t create a sufficient disruption by itself, either—only if such language qualifies as a physical threat or “fighting words” (words that inflict injury themselves or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace) or if the act (not just the content) of speaking itself disrupts city business, is there cause for members of the public to be removed.
The First Amendment Of the U.S Constitution states; Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
In the United States, there is and can be no legal requirement or accreditation of any kind required to assume the titles “member of the press”, “journalist”, “reporter”, etc. Simply put, any Citizen of the United States can pick up a camera and be a journalist to distribute information about matters to the public interest.The Citizen Journalist in the video was conducting a Constitutionally protected activity from publicly accessible spaces. If the general public are permitted to be there, so can the Press.
When one is in public, the law holds that a person cannot expect to have a high degree of privacy. Thus, surveillance cameras, audio recording devices, and other forms of in-person or remote observation and recording are legal.Feelings are not to interfere with our Constitutional Protected Rights! Further, The freedom of the press, protected by the First Amendment, is critical to a democracy in which the government is accountable to the people. A free media functions as a watchdog that can investigate and report on government wrongdoing. It is also a vibrant marketplace of ideas, a vehicle for ordinary citizens to express themselves and gain exposure to a wide range of information and opinions.
Sure, It’s easy to empathise with the emotions and feelings of these hard working ladies in the video! Remember, history is fraught with unscrupulous laws based on feelings…. Jim Crow Laws were just some of them not too long ago!
I urge all American Citizens, especially my fellow Veterans, to oppose this unlawful Ordnance with the same tenacity the Bravest of Us ALL had when They gave all to preserve our Rights as Americans! It may seem trivial to some but I’ll leave you with some words of warning spoken by the Founding Fathers Of Our Great Country to help aid you in your pondering on this important issue;
“The people are the ultimate guardians of their own liberties.In every government on earth is some trace of human weakness, some germ of corruption and degeneracy. Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone.” Thomas Jefferson
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” James Madison
This is a Link to the Video inspiring this email. Please remember it will be seen around the world and across our Nation!
Please Respond, but more importantly take action!
David N U.S Army Veteran
This is the 1st Amendment audit David referenced in his email
The call with Mayor Ferrell the day after the 1st Amendment Audit where I try to convince him that it is unconstitutional and announce intention to constitutionally challenge
Finally here is the call today to Mayor Ferrell. His office has received many calls and emails. His tone sounds a bit different. Could he possibly be walking back his ordinance? I will find out when I walk in on Wednesday